Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Steps to setup Hybris for the first time

1) Download the latest version of hybris from wiki-hybris.

2) Unzip the hybris multi-channel suite.

3) After unzipping the files, open command prompt and go to this path - hybrisfolder > bin >    

4) First we need to set-up ant, so type the following command - setantenv.bat

5) Now build your hybris suite - ant clean all

6) After successful build config folder will be created in your installed hybris directory where it  
     contains 2 important files - and localextensions.xml

7) Now start the hybris server - hybrisserver.bat

 8) Now type http://localhost:9001/ in the browser.

 9) You now have to click on initialize available under platform > initialization tab, this will
     automatically create all the data required to launch a  ecommerce website as well as the hybris
     management console (hMC) from where you can  control the  data displayed on the website.

10) It takes around 2 hours to complete the initialization process.

11) Now type http://localhost:9001/yacceleratorstorefront?site=electronics in the browser.

12) Ecommerce website will open-up as shown below.

13) This is the default ecommerce website which comes out-of-the box in hybris.

14) You can now mould this website as per the client requirements.

15) Hybris creates 1 more site by default, you can access this by typing
      http://localhost:9001/yacceleratorstorefront?site=apparel in the browser.

16) To open hMC type http://localhost:9001/hmc in the browser.

17) Type username / password as admin / nimda.

18) Hybris Management Console (hMC) will open up, where you can control the data (products,
       price, available quantity etc) displayed on the website.



  1. I never thought anyone can give such simple steps. Thanks Hrishikesh.
    I have a doubt, i have imported the trail project in eclipse and want to use Ant Build tool to trigger extgen but somehow it throws java exception. Can you suggest me what to do? FYI Im still learning it.

    1. What is the exception that you are getting.....maybe you need to set up the proper java path...

